We Four – A Brief and Sickening History of Secret U.S. Government Biological Warfare Programs (1931-2024)
This is a gripping and disturbing book, and it may cause cognitive dissonance…
Authored by K.constantine, C.De Vries, T.McLeane, F.Mirabella via We Four

It does exist a hidden history of U.S. government, and the biological warfare programs from 1931 to 2024 is part and parcel of this secret, but not much, history.
The four (We four) authors skillfully reveal chapter after chapter, year after year, experiment after experiment, the shocking extent to which the U.S. Government has tested and utilized biological weapons, from the early days of biological warfare to the present, and especially who they hired to accomplish this dangerous job. Among the lines, further to find a powerful indictment not only of the United States in the management of these bio-weapons, the authors address and point their fingers to those who are manipulated by the system and pretend to fight it instead they are only playing the part assigned to them in a cruel dashboard game made of unlawful secrets and dirty international deals.
Arguing that the use of biological weapons is a form of madness and call to action, urging readers to question the actions of their governments and to demand accountability for the harm caused by these programs, therefore has been useless facade of protest. No one is asking accountability for those high powers and military ranks who repeatedly lied to own people, at last the true source of power in any so said democratic society.
Throughout the book, the authors draw parallels between the use of biological weapons and other forms of violence, highlighting the hypocrisy and double standards that often exist in the way we respond to different types of violence.

One particular aspect is described as the most “virulent” and silent threat above any other: playing with people’s health and lives, and those of their loved ones, solely to benefit a supposed majority, in the name of the same people who are unaware they will be used as guinea pigs by a power that relies on those who swore to protect them.
Ultimately, this book is an exploration of the darker aspects of human nature and an answer to the question: why do the foolish and the wicked often seem to thrive, while the innocent and the just suffer?
By shedding light on the secret and not-so-secret biological warfare programs of the U.S. government, this book aims to open readers’ eyes to the truth and inspire them to demand change.
You may buy it here at Amazon
Also Italian Version Here.